# ANNEX 2: Reference of OSM Client commands and library The **OSM Client** is a client library and a command-line tool (based on Python) to operate OSM, which accesses OSM's Northbound Interface (NBI) and lets you manage descriptors, VIMs, Network Services, Slices, etc. along with their whole lifecycle. In other words, the OSM Client is a sort of Swiss knife that provides a convenient access to all the functionality that OSM's NBI offers. **Usage:** ```bash osm [GLOBAL_OPTIONS] COMMAND [COMMAND_OPTIONS] [ARGS]... ``` **Options:** ```bash --hostname TEXT hostname of server. Also can set OSM_HOSTNAME in environment --user TEXT user (defaults to admin). Also can set OSM_USER in environment --password TEXT password (defaults to admin). Also can set OSM_PASSWORD in environment --project TEXT project (defaults to admin). Also can set OSM_PROJECT in environment -v, --verbose increase verbosity (-v INFO, -vv VERBOSE, -vvv DEBUG) --all-projects include all projects --public / --no-public flag for public items (packages, instances, VIM accounts, etc.) --project-domain-name TEXT project domain name for keystone authentication (default to None). Also can set OSM_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME in environment --user-domain-name TEXT user domain name for keystone authentication (default to None). Also can set OSM_USER_DOMAIN_NAME in environment -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: k8scluster-add adds a K8s cluster to OSM NAME: name of the K8s cluster k8scluster-delete deletes a K8s cluster NAME: name or ID of the K8s cluster to be deleted k8scluster-list list all K8s clusters k8scluster-show shows the details of a K8s cluster NAME: name or ID of the K8s cluster k8scluster-update updates a K8s cluster netslice-instance-create creates a new Network Slice Instance netslice-instance-delete deletes a Network Slice Instance (NSI) netslice-instance-list list all Network Slice Instances (NSI) netslice-instance-op-list shows the history of operations over a Network Slice Instance (NSI) netslice-instance-op-show shows the info of an operation over a Network Slice Instance(NSI) netslice-instance-show shows the content of a Network Slice Instance (NSI) netslice-template-create creates a new Network Slice Template (NST) netslice-template-delete deletes a Network Slice Template (NST) netslice-template-list list all Network Slice Templates (NST) netslice-template-show shows the content of a Network Slice Template (NST) netslice-template-update updates a Network Slice Template (NST) nf-list list all NF instances nfpkg-create creates a new NFpkg nfpkg-delete deletes a NFpkg nfpkg-list list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF) nfpkg-repo-list list all xNF from OSM repositories nfpkg-repo-show shows the details of a NF package in an OSM repository nfpkg-show shows the details of a NF package nfpkg-update updates a NFpkg ns-action executes an action/primitive over a NS instance ns-alarm-create creates a new alarm for a NS instance ns-create creates a new Network Service instance ns-delete deletes a NS instance ns-list list all NS instances ns-metric-export exports a metric to the internal OSM bus, which can be read by other apps ns-op-cancel cancels an ongoing NS operation ns-op-list shows the history of operations over a NS instance ns-op-show shows the info of a NS operation ns-show shows the info of a NS instance nsd-create creates a new NSD/NSpkg nsd-delete deletes a NSD/NSpkg nsd-list list all NS packages nsd-repo-list list all NS from OSM repositories nsd-repo-show shows the details of a NS package in an OSM repository nsd-show shows the details of a NS package nsd-update updates a NSD/NSpkg nsi-create creates a new Network Slice Instance nsi-delete deletes a Network Slice Instance (NSI) nsi-list list all Network Slice Instances (NSI) nsi-op-list shows the history of operations over a Network Slice Instance (NSI) nsi-op-show shows the info of an operation over a Network Slice Instance(NSI) nsi-show shows the content of a Network Slice Instance (NSI) nspkg-create creates a new NSD/NSpkg nspkg-delete deletes a NSD/NSpkg nspkg-list list all NS packages nspkg-repo-list list all NS from OSM repositories nspkg-repo-show shows the details of a NS package in an OSM repository nspkg-show shows the details of a NS package nspkg-update updates a NSD/NSpkg nst-create creates a new Network Slice Template (NST) nst-delete deletes a Network Slice Template (NST) nst-list list all Network Slice Templates (NST) nst-show shows the content of a Network Slice Template (NST) nst-update updates a Network Slice Template (NST) package-build Build the tar.gz of the package package-create Create a package descriptor package-validate Validate a package descriptor pdu-create adds a new Physical Deployment Unit to the catalog pdu-delete deletes a Physical Deployment Unit (PDU) pdu-list list all Physical Deployment Units (PDU) pdu-show shows the content of a Physical Deployment Unit (PDU) project-create creates a new project project-delete deletes a project project-list list all projects project-show shows the details of a project project-update updates a project (only the name can be updated) repo-add adds a repo to OSM NAME: name of the repo URI: URI of the repo repo-delete deletes a repo NAME: name or ID of the repo to be deleted repo-list list all repos repo-show shows the details of a repo NAME: name or ID of the repo repo-update updates a repo in OSM NAME: name of the repo role-create creates a new role role-delete deletes a role role-list list all roles role-show show specific role role-update updates a role sdnc-create creates a new SDN controller sdnc-delete deletes an SDN controller sdnc-list list all SDN controllers sdnc-show shows the details of an SDN controller sdnc-update updates an SDN controller upload-package uploads a VNF package or NS package user-create creates a new user user-delete deletes a user user-list list all users user-show shows the details of a user user-update updates user information version vim-create creates a new VIM account vim-delete deletes a VIM account vim-list list all VIM accounts vim-show shows the details of a VIM account vim-update updates a VIM account vnf-list list all NF instances vnf-scale executes a VNF scale (adding/removing VDUs) vnf-show shows the info of a VNF instance vnfd-create creates a new VNFD/VNFpkg vnfd-delete deletes a VNFD/VNFpkg vnfd-list list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF) vnfd-show shows the details of a NF package vnfd-update updates a new VNFD/VNFpkg vnfpkg-create creates a new VNFD/VNFpkg vnfpkg-delete deletes a VNFD/VNFpkg vnfpkg-list list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF) vnfpkg-repo-list list all xNF from OSM repositories vnfpkg-repo-show shows the details of a NF package in an OSM repository vnfpkg-show shows the details of a NF package vnfpkg-update updates a VNFD/VNFpkg wim-create creates a new WIM account wim-delete deletes a WIM account wim-list list all WIM accounts wim-show shows the details of a WIM account wim-update updates a WIM account ``` ## How to install standalone OSM client ### How to install OSM Client in Ubuntu 22.04 (RECOMMENDED) OSM client is installed by default in the host where OSM is installed, but it can be also installed as a standalone client in an Ubuntu 22.04 system, following the procedure below: ```bash # Clean the previous repos that might exist sudo sed -i "/osm-download.etsi.org/d" /etc/apt/sources.list # Install dependencies sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-dev python3-pip # Add OSM debian repo curl -q -o OSM-ETSI-Release-key.gpg https://osm-download.etsi.org/repository/osm/debian/ReleaseSEVENTEEN/OSM%20ETSI%20Release%20Key.gpg sudo apt-key add OSM-ETSI-Release-key.gpg sudo add-apt-repository -y "deb [arch=amd64] https://osm-download.etsi.org/repository/osm/debian/ReleaseSEVENTEEN stable devops IM osmclient" sudo apt-get update # Install OSM IM and osmclient packages from deb repo sudo apt-get install python3-osm-im python3-osmclient # Install osmclient and osm_im dependencies via pip sudo -H python3 -m pip install -r /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/osm_im/requirements.txt -r /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/osmclient/requirements.txt # Install charm to be able to build OSM packages with charms sudo snap install charm --classic ``` ### How to install OSM Client in Ubuntu 22.04 via pip (ALTERNATIVE) ```bash # Install dependencies sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y git wget make sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-dev python3-pip # Upgrade pip to the latest version (with sudo, to install it globally for all users) sudo -H python3 -m pip install -U pip # Decide which version to use export OSM_CLIENT_VERSION=v17.0 # Install OSM IM and its dependencies via pip (installed with sudo, to install it globally for all users) sudo -H python3 -m pip install -r "https://osm.etsi.org/gitweb/?p=osm/IM.git;a=blob_plain;f=requirements.txt;hb=${OSM_CLIENT_VERSION}" sudo -H python3 -m pip install "git+https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/IM.git@${OSM_CLIENT_VERSION}#egg=osm-im" --upgrade # Clone osmclient repo and checkut the desired version git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/osmclient git -C osmclient checkout ${OSM_CLIENT_VERSION} # Install osmclient using pip sudo -H python3 -m pip install -r osmclient/requirements.txt sudo -H python3 -m pip install ./osmclient # Install charm to be able to build OSM packages with charms sudo snap install charm --classic ``` ### How to install OSM Client in RHEL ```bash # Install dependencies sudo dnf upgrade -y sudo dnf install -y libcurl-devel openssl-devel sudo dnf install -y git wget make patch gcc sudo dnf install -y python310 python310-devel # Upgrade pip to the latest version (with sudo, to install it globally for all users) sudo -H python3 -m pip install -U pip # Decide which version to use export OSM_CLIENT_VERSION=v17.0 # Install OSM IM and its dependencies via pip (installed with sudo, to install it globally for all users) sudo -H python3 -m pip install -r "https://osm.etsi.org/gitweb/?p=osm/IM.git;a=blob_plain;f=requirements.txt;hb=${OSM_CLIENT_VERSION}" sudo -H bash -c "PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin python3 -m pip install \"git+https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/IM.git@${OSM_CLIENT_VERSION}#egg=osm-im\" --upgrade" # Clone osmclient repo and checkut the desired version git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/osmclient git -C osmclient checkout ${OSM_CLIENT_VERSION} # Install osmclient using pip sudo -H python3 -m pip install -r osmclient/requirements.txt sudo -H python3 -m pip install ./osmclient # Install charm to be able to build OSM packages with charms wget -O charm.sh "https://osm.etsi.org/gitweb/?p=osm/tests.git;a=blob;f=charm.sh;hb=${OSM_CLIENT_VERSION}" sudo cp charm.sh /usr/sbin/charm sudo chmod 755 /usr/sbin/charm ``` ### How to install OSM Client for developers in Ubuntu 22.04 ```bash # Install dependencies sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y git wget make sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-setuptools python3-dev python3-pip # Upgrade pip to the latest version (with sudo, to install it globally for all users) sudo -H python3 -m pip install -U pip # Decide which version to use export OSM_CLIENT_VERSION=v17.0 # Install OSM IM and its dependencies via pip (installed with sudo, to install it globally for all users) sudo -H python3 -m pip install -r "https://osm.etsi.org/gitweb/?p=osm/IM.git;a=blob_plain;f=requirements.txt;hb=${OSM_CLIENT_VERSION}" sudo -H python3 -m pip install "git+https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/IM.git@${OSM_CLIENT_VERSION}#egg=osm-im" --upgrade # Clone osmclient repo and checkut the desired version git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/osmclient cd osmclient git checkout ${OSM_CLIENT_VERSION} # Install osmclient directly from the repo for development purposes python3 -m pip install --user -e osmclient -r osmclient/requirements.txt -r osmclient/requirements-dev.txt # Install charm to be able to build OSM packages with charm sudo snap install charm --classic # Logout and login so that PATH can be updated. Executable osm will be found in /home/ubuntu/.local/bin which osm ``` ### How to install OSM Client in Windows with WSL OSM client can be easily installed in Windows by installing an Ubuntu distro on Linux with [Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install). Once WSL is installed with an Ubuntu 22.04 distro, you can install OSM following the instruccions in (#how-to-install-osm-client-in-ubuntu-2204) ### How to install OSM Client directly in Windows with Conda and Git OSM can also be installed in Windows with [Miniconda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html) and [Git](https://git-scm.com/) You can install both programs with [Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/), the package manager for Windows. Open a CMD window and run the following commands: ```cmd choco install -y git make wget choco install -y miniconda3 ``` Then, open Windows environment variables > User environment variables, and add the following entries to the `Path` user environment variable in order to make Conda executables reachable from all terminals: - `C:\tools\miniconda3` - `C:\tools\miniconda3\Scripts` - `C:\tools\miniconda3\Library\bin` Make sure that aliases for Python are disabled in Windows Configuration. Go to Settings > Apps > Apps & features, and click on "Manage app execution aliases". Then disable aliases for Python. Open Git Bash and run the following commands to create a Conda environment with Python 3.8 and initialize all shells to work with Conda: ```bash conda create -n osm-env python=3.10 conda init --all # Logout ``` Then install OSM client as follows: ```bash # Install conda and install some packages via conda (which will install dependent libraries) conda activate osm-env # Upgrade pip to the latest version (with sudo, to install it globally for all users) python -m pip install -U pip # Decide which version to use export OSM_CLIENT_VERSION=v17.0 # Clone IM repo and checkut the desired version git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/IM git -C IM checkout ${OSM_CLIENT_VERSION} # Install OSM IM using pip python -m pip install -r IM/requirements.txt # make -C IM clean python -m pip install ./IM # Clone osmclient repo and checkut the desired version git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/osmclient git -C osmclient checkout ${OSM_CLIENT_VERSION} # Install osmclient using pip python -m pip install -r osmclient/requirements.txt # Required DLLs for python-magic python -m pip install python-magic-bin python -m pip install ./osmclient # Try OSM client python -m osmclient.scripts.osm # Logout from Git Bash ``` Open Git Bash again and edit `.bash_profile` to activate the Conda environment persistently. If desired, add an alias to osm executable: ```bash conda activate osm-env alias 'osm=python -m osmclient.scripts.osm' ``` That will complete OSM client installation for Windows. ## Getting help Options `-h` or `--help`can be used globally to know the global options and commands, or after a command to know the specific options and args of a command ```bash $ osm -h Usage: osm [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Options: --hostname TEXT hostname of server. Also can set OSM_HOSTNAME in environment --user TEXT user (defaults to admin). Also can set OSM_USER in environment --password TEXT password (defaults to admin). Also can set OSM_PASSWORD in environment --project TEXT project (defaults to admin). Also can set OSM_PROJECT in environment -v, --verbose increase verbosity (-v INFO, -vv VERBOSE, -vvv DEBUG) --all-projects include all projects --public / --no-public flag for public items (packages, instances, VIM accounts, etc.) --project-domain-name TEXT project domain name for keystone authentication (default to None). Also can set OSM_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME in environment --user-domain-name TEXT user domain name for keystone authentication (default to None). Also can set OSM_USER_DOMAIN_NAME in environment -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: k8scluster-add adds a K8s cluster to OSM ... $osm vim-create -h Usage: osm vim-create [OPTIONS] creates a new VIM account Options: --name TEXT Name to create datacenter --user TEXT VIM username --password TEXT VIM password --auth_url TEXT VIM url --tenant TEXT VIM tenant name --config TEXT VIM specific config parameters --account_type TEXT VIM type --description TEXT human readable description --sdn_controller TEXT Name or id of the SDN controller associated to this VIM account --sdn_port_mapping TEXT File describing the port mapping between compute nodes' ports and switch ports --wait do not return the control immediately, but keep it until the operation is completed, or timeout -h, --help Show this message and exit. ``` The following video illustrates how it works. ## Interaction from the OSM client to an OSM in a different location When using the OSM Client from a host different from OSM's, at a minimum you will need to specify the OSM host, either via an environment variable or via the option `--hostname`. For instance, you can set your client to access an OSM host running at `` by using: ```bash export OSM_HOSTNAME="" ``` The following video shows how it works. ## Getting OSM version You can obtain server and client versions, by using the command `osm version`. Server version corresponds to OSM NBI module. ```bash $ osm version Server version: 7.0.1.post23 2020-04-17 Client version: 7.0.1rc1.post52+gbcb7833 ``` The following video shows how it works. ## RBAC ### Configuring RBAC OSM supports Role-Based Access Control, so that it's possible to use users and projects, and each user will have a role in a project. OSM provides CRUD operations (`*-create`, `*-list`, `*-show`, `*-update`, `*-delete`) over users, roles and projects The following video demonstrates how it works. ### Using RBAC When using users and projects, the following environment variables can be used to authenticate against the system: - `OSM_USER` - `OSM_PASSWORD` - `OSM_PROJECT` - `OSM_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME` - `OSM_USER_DOMAIN_NAME` Or instead the command line options `--user`, `--password`, `--project`, `--project-domain-name` and `--user-domain-name` can be used: ```bash --user TEXT user (defaults to admin). Also can set OSM_USER in environment --password TEXT password (defaults to admin). Also can set OSM_PASSWORD in environment --project TEXT project (defaults to admin). Also can set OSM_PROJECT in environment --project-domain-name TEXT project domain name for keystone authentication (default to None). Also can set OSM_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME in environment --user-domain-name TEXT user domain name for keystone authentication (default to None). Also can set OSM_USER_DOMAIN_NAME in environment ``` In addition, the option `--all-projects` allow users to perform operations in all the projects they belong to (e.g. `osm --all-projects nfpkg-list` will show all the NF packages in all projects the user belongs to). Finally, the option `--public` allows to create public items, making them available in all projects; visibility from the client of those public items in `*-list` and `*-show` operations requires the use of the option `--public`. ```bash --all-projects include all projects --public / --no-public flag for public items (packages, instances, VIM accounts, etc.) ``` The following video shows a complete demo using different users and projects, and some of these options, illustrating the different project visibility. ## OSM repositories OSM support repositories where NF and NS packages can be retrieved. The following commands can be used to add a repo, list the packages in a repo, show their details or onboard them in OSM: - `osm repo-add NAME URI`: adds a VNF/NS catalog repo - `osm nfpkg-repo-list`and `osm nspkg-repo-list`: lists NF/NS packages from OSM repositories - `osm nfpkg-repo-show|nspkg-repo-show --repo `: shows a specific NF/NS package in a repo - `osm nfpkg-create|nspkg-create --repo `: onboards a package from a repo into OSM ```bash osm repo-add --description "OSM VNF and NS repository" vnfrepo https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/vnf-catalog/ osm nfpkg-repo-list osm nfpkg-repo-show --repo vnfrepo fb_magma_knf osm nfpkg-create --repo vnfrepo fb_magma_knf osm nspkg-repo-list osm nspkg-repo-show --repo vnfrepo fb_magma_ns osm nspkg-create --repo vnfrepo fb_magma_ns ``` The following video demonstrates how these commands work. ## Package creation tools There are several utilities in the OSM client to simplify VNF and NS package creation: - `osm package-create PACKAGE_TYPE PACKAGE_NAME`: creates an OSM VNF, NS or NST package - `osm package-validate PKG_FOLDER`: validates descriptors given a base directory - `osm package-build PKG_FOLDER`: builds the package NS, VNF given the package_folder (descriptor validation, charm build, checksum generation, tar.gz creation) - `osm nfpkg-create|nspkg-create PKG_FOLDER`: validates the package, builds it and onboards it into OSM The following video illustrates the previous commands. ## Advanced onboarding Commands for onboarding NF, NS and NST (`nfpkg-create`, `nspkg-create` and `nst-create`) have the option `--override` to override the fields in the descriptor whem uploading the package to OSM. The format of the option is the following: ```bash --override TEXT overrides fields in descriptor, format: "key1.key2...=value[;key3...=value;...]" ``` In addition, VNF onboarding allows these additional options: - `--override-epa`: adds guest-epa parameters to all VDU. Useful to onboard packages to be deployed in an EPA-only VIM - `--override-nonepa`: removes all guest-epa parameters from all VDU. Useful to onboard EPA-based VNF packages to be deployed in a non-EPA VIM - `--override-paravirt`: overrides all VDU interfaces to PARAVIRT. Useful if packages are going to be deployed in a VIM that does not support SR-IOV or PCI-PASSTHROUGH interfaces. The following video demonstrates how these options work. ## Filtering requests Some commands have the option `--filter` that allows to filter Read operations (`*-list`, `*-show`) to restric the output to the items matching de filter. Below an example for `osm ns-list`: ```bash $ osm ns-list -h Usage: osm ns-list [OPTIONS] list all NS instances Options: --filter filterExpr Restricts the list to the NS instances matching the filter filterExpr consists of one or more strings formatted according to "simpleFilterExpr", concatenated using the "&" character: filterExpr := ["&"]* simpleFilterExpr := ["."]*["."]"="[","]* op := "eq" | "neq" | "gt" | "lt" | "gte" | "lte" | "cont" | "ncont" attrName := string value := scalar value where: * zero or more occurrences ? zero or one occurrence [] grouping of expressions to be used with ? and * "" quotation marks for marking string constants <> name separator "AttrName" is the name of one attribute in the data type that defines the representation of the resource. The dot (".") character in "simpleFilterExpr" allows concatenation of entries to filter by attributes deeper in the hierarchy of a structured document. "Op" stands for the comparison operator. If the expression has concatenated entries, it means that the operator "op" is applied to the attribute addressed by the last entry included in the concatenation. All simple filter expressions are combined by the "AND" logical operator. In a concatenation of entries in a , the rightmost "attrName" entry in a "simpleFilterExpr" is called "leaf attribute". The concatenation of all "attrName" entries except the leaf attribute is called the "attribute prefix". If an attribute referenced in an expression is an array, an object that contains a corresponding array shall be considered to match the expression if any of the elements in the array matches all expressions that have the same attribute prefix. Filter examples: --filter admin-status=ENABLED --filter nsd-ref= --filter nsd.vendor= --filter nsd.vendor=&nsd-ref= --filter nsd.constituent-vnfd.vnfd-id-ref= ``` ## Debugging Option `-v` can be used to debug OSM client. There are different verbosity levels: - `-v`: log level INFO, shows API calls - `-vv`: log level VERBOSE, shows API calls and content response - `-vvv`: log level DEBUG, shows the different methods the client is going through The following video illustrates the log detail for each verbosity level. ## Other useful options Some commands present useful options: - `--literal`: shows output in YAML format. It might be deprecated in the future in favour of a new option `-o OUTPUT_FORMAT`. - `--wait`: makes the command synchronous - `--long`: shows more info ## Aliases The following are command aliases with identical behaviour: - For CRUD operations over NF packages, there are different command aliases. The preferred commands is `nfpkg-*`. The command `vnfd-*`might be deprecated in the future. - `nfpkg-create|vnfpkg-create|vnfd-create`: creates a new NFpkg - `nfpkg-delete|vnfpkg-delete|vnfd-delete`: deletes a NFpkg - `nfpkg-list|vnfpkg-list|vnfd-list`: list all xNF packages (VNF, HNF, PNF) - `nfpkg-show|vnfpkg-show|vnfd-show`: shows the details of a NF package - `nfpkg-update|vnfpkg-update|vnfd-update`: updates a NFpkg - For CRUD operations over NS packages, there are different command aliases. The preferred commands is `nspkg-*`. The command `nsd-*`might be deprecated in the future. - `nsd-create|nspkg-create`: creates a new NSD/NSpkg - `nsd-delete|nspkg-delete`: deletes a NSD/NSpkg - `nsd-list|nspkg-list`: list all NS packages - `nsd-show|nspkg-show`: shows the details of a NS package - `nsd-update|nspkg-update`: updates a NSD/NSpkg - For CRUD operations over Network Slice Templates, the following command aliases exist: - `netslice-template-create|nst-create`: creates a new Network Slice Template (NST) - `netslice-template-delete|nst-delete`: deletes a Network Slice Template (NST) - `netslice-template-list|nst-list`: list all Network Slice Templates (NST) - `netslice-template-show|nst-show`: shows the content of a Network Slice Template (NST) - `netslice-template-update|nst-update`: updates a Network Slice Template (NST) - For CRUD operations over Network Slice Instances, the following command aliases exist: - `netslice-instance-create|nsi-create`: creates a new Network Slice Instance - `netslice-instance-delete|nsi-delete`: deletes a Network Slice Instance (NSI) - `netslice-instance-list|nsi-list`: list all Network Slice Instances (NSI) - `netslice-instance-op-list|nsi-op-list`: shows the history of operations over a Network Slice Instance (NSI) - `netslice-instance-op-show|nsi-op-show`: shows the info of an operation over a Network Slice Instance(NSI) - `netslice-instance-show|nsi-show`: shows the content of a Network Slice Instance (NSI) - For Read operations over OSM repositories, the following command aliases exist: - `nfpkg-repo-list|vnfpkg-repo-list`: list all xNF from OSM repositories - `nfpkg-repo-show|vnfpkg-repo-show`: shows the details of a NF package in an OSM repository - `nsd-repo-list|nspkg-list`: list all NS from OSM repositories - `nsd-repo-show|nspkg-show`: shows the details of a NS package in an OSM repository ## Enable autocompletion You can enable autocompletion in OSM client by creating a file osm-complete.sh in the following way: ```bash mkdir -p $HOME/.bash_completion.d _OSM_COMPLETE=bash_source osm > $HOME/.bash_completion.d/osm-complete.sh ``` Then you can add the following to your $HOME/.bashrc file: ```bash . .bash_completion.d/osm-complete.sh ``` ## Using osmclient as a library to interact with OSM Assuming that you have installed python-osmclient package, it's pretty simple to write some Python code to interact with OSM. ### Simple Python code to get the list of NS packages ```python from osmclient import client from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException hostname = "" myclient = client.Client(host=hostname) resp = myclient.nsd.list() print yaml.safe_dump(resp) ``` ### Simple Python code to get the list of VNF packages from a specific user and project The code will print for each package a pretty table, then the full details in yaml ```python from osmclient import client from osmclient.common.exceptions import ClientException import yaml from prettytable import PrettyTable hostname = "" user = admin password = admin project = admin kwargs = {} if user is not None: kwargs['user']=user if password is not None: kwargs['password']=password if project is not None: kwargs['project']=project myclient = client.Client(host=hostname, sol005=True, **kwargs) resp = myclient.vnfd.list() print yaml.safe_dump(resp) ```